PMS225 Bright Pink PANTONE TB320 Gloss Enamel 4 Litres

IME.TB320 is a Synthetic Topcoat High Gloss 80% Binder - 20% Color Toner optional 70% Binder - 30% Color Toner (on low opacity colours), with excellent appearance. For Machinery, Industrial OEM and aftermarket repairs with air and force dry capabilities. All Toners are chromate and lead free.
Substrates: Iron, steel, cast iron, galvanized steel, aluminum and galvanized. Primer surfaces - IME.FP300, IME.PB300 (Corrosion Protection) Other - solvent resistant surfaces, sanded, cleaned original and old cured coatings.
Preparation: PB300/TB320 Synthetic primer dry sanding: P320 – P400 PB300/TB320 Synthetic primer wet sanding: P400 – P800 Dry Sanding on substrate: P180 – P240 Galvanized: Sweep Blasting recommended. (More Detailed information go-to Preparation and Pre-treatment on Icris/CRS or website
Material Description Application Method Minimum DFT µm Maximum DFT µm Minimum WFT µm Maximum WFT µm IME.TB300 Spray 40µm 50µm 55µm 70µm *Product can be brushed or rolled.
Cleaning: Metal substrate and Primer surface must be dry and free from any contamination, eg, oil, grease, release agents. Use IME.AD690 Solvent Degreaser or Valspar Wax and Grease Remover. (More Detailed information go-to cleaning processes on Irics/CRS or website
Recoating: Can be recoated with IME.CC700 Clear Coat Anti Graffiti (see TDS)
Cleaning:IME.AD690 Solvent Degreaser Valspar Wax and Grease Remover Surface must be dry and free from any contamination, e.g. oil, grease
Note: IME.RS300 Reducer or IME.AS300 Synthetic Activator can be used. If you use IME.AS300 Synthetic Activator you improve the curing and the chemical resistance.
Preparation: Substrate Dry sanding: P180 – P240 Dry sanding: PB300/TB300 primers: P320 – P400 Wet sanding: PB300/TB300 primers: P400 – P800 Extra Corrosion protections use a recommend primer on blasted substrates.
Handling:Color preparation: Color preparation: 1. Stir binder until homogeneous 2. Add Color Toners 3. Mix mechanically (paint shaker/ mechanical stirrer) Before use/spraying: 1. Mix mechanically (paint shaker/ mechanical stirrer) 2. Add Activator and Reducer 3. Stir this mixture well with a mixing stick or a (mechanical) stirrer
Mixing ratio with Color Toner CRS Formula: (By volume)
IME.TB320 Synthetic Binder High Gloss IMU.CT range of VIM Color Toners (For mixing formula’s see VIM CRS) Synthetic Dryer is included in CRS Formula
IME.TB320 Synthetic Binder High Gloss IMU.CT range of VIM Color Toners (For mixing formula’s see VIM CRS) Synthetic Dryer is included in CRS Formula
Mixing ratio with Reducer: (By volume)
IME.TB320 Synthetic Topcoat High Gloss 100%
IME.RS300 Synthetic Reducer 15-30%
Higher chemical resistant: Use Activator.
IME.TB320 Synthetic Topcoat High Gloss 100 Parts
IME.AS300 Synthetic Activator Max 25%
IME.RS300 Synthetic Reducer +0-10%