Variety Paints 'N' More has a state-of-the-art tinting system enabling us to accurately tint any Pantone Matching System Colour (PMS) , we use Valspar Quality Tinters for our Custom Mixing we can compress into an Aerosol can or make into a 250ml ,500ml ,1 litre , 2 Litre,4 Litre or 20 Litre Can.
STEP 1 Primer Use Order code CR01015 RED Anti Rust Primer if Using over a plastic Bumper or Plastic Parts use Order Code FP600-A Plastic Adhesion Promoter First .
Step 2 PMS1945 PANTONE Red

Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a proprietary Colour space used in a variety of Industries , primarily the printing industry though sometimes in the manufacture of coloured paint , fabrics and plastics.The company is best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS), a proprietary color space used in a variety of industries, primarily printing, though sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint, fabric, and plastics.