CAS Series Nason Industrial Paint Aerosols - Items tagged as "Cas622 blue"

Nason Industrial Paints

Is Now Available from Variety Paints 'N' More in Wangara W.A 

The Nason® Industrial system is a compact and complete coatings package specifically formulated to meet the needs of the commercial transportation and general liquid industrial markets. It is engineered to offer both VERSATILITY and VALUE. This is achieved through the use of the latest resin technology that allows concentrated colour tints to be combined with a range of different binders to deliver the most suitable topcoat for your requirements.

New Technology Topcoats like DTM (Direct to Metal) and I so-Free are available as part of the package. Proven technologies designed for tough environments and difficult surface conditions, like polyurethanes, acrylic and alkyd enamels are also key components of the topcoat product offering. A fully integrated offer of Primers, Activators and Thinners, is available to complement the appropriate topcoats. Alkyd, Etch, Polyurethane and Epoxy Primers, as well as a high build tintable primer are the foundations of the system. Nason® Industrial products can be applied by brush, roller and a variety of spray application methods. They are available in several factory-packaged colours and can be mixed to AS2700, RAL and other custom colours.

Whether you are coating tractors, forklifts, machinery, trailers or steel structures, the versatility of the Nason® Industrial product range will successfully meet the needs of the coatings end use. The performance, ease of use and job cost will ensure that Nason® Industrial delivers the value you need and becomes your first choice in industrial coatings in industries such as:
•    Construction Equipment
•    Ready Mix Concrete & Hot Mix Asphalt Plants and Equipment
•    Mobile Machinery and Equipment
•    Steel Fabricators and other Metal Manufacturers
•    Rail – Locomotive, Cars, Tanks
•    Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Facilities
•    Ski Resorts/Park Rides and Equipment
•    Aluminium or Galvanised, Fiberglass or Timber, Plastics surfaces etc.

Nason Industrial products are available in Asia and Australia.


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