Warm Grey 2C Pantone Acrylic Spray Paint 250ML
The real power of the Valspar Refinish range is its compactness. The system comprises 32 Intermix Tinters plus 16 Powder Pearls and Xirallics. From this compact range all automotive colours can be achieved.
303C1 is a single stage acrylic topcoat formulated for ease of application and rapid dry times.
Valspar 303C1 Acrylic binder is intermixed with Valspar Refinish toners creating over 16,000 colours.
- Wash surface with mild detergent and water
- Rinse and dry the surface
- Wipe surface with Surface Cleaner 155 (steel) or Aqua Clean 170 (steel / aluminium) and wipe dry with a clean cloth before the product flashes off.
- Sand the substrate with P500 or #800 - #1000
- Final clean with Surface Cleaner 155
- Pot life indefinite

Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a proprietary Colour space used in a variety of Industries , primarily the printing industry though sometimes in the manufacture of coloured paint , fabrics and plastics.The company is best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS), a proprietary color space used in a variety of industries, primarily printing, though sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint, fabric, and plastics.